Comprehensive programs for your growth and development

Ryan’s Place is pleased to provide the following services under the NC Innovations Waiver:

Community Living and Supports
A periodic service provided in a member’s home and the community to assist with the development of Activities of Daily Living, building personal preferences and experiences, and increasing social integration. Community Living and Supports encourages staff support that is person-centered and based on the member’s preferred schedule.

Community Networking
A weekly service that is driven by volunteer activities and membership in community activities and organizations that are fully integrated with all populations of people. Community Networking is a service provided in the community where members can choose volunteer activities that assist with pre-vocational skills and vocational goals. Members have the ability to contribute their gifts and skills in volunteer settings around North Carolina. Members can also take integrated classes of their choosing to help build preferences and find meaningful ways to socialize with community peers.

Supported Employment
A weekly service that is driven by employment skills and retention, this service also focuses on pre-employment skills and training, such as filling out job applications, mock interviewing, preparing for job interviews and workplace interactions, understanding accommodations/requesting accommodations, etc. Supported Employment provides 1:1 staffing support in employment settings and takes the place of Vocational Rehabilitation for those members who need 1:1 staffing while in a job environment. Staff members are meant to promote independence and job site training.

A periodic service that provides reprieve for caregivers and natural supports needing a break from the responsibilities of daily caretaking. Respite is offered for both periodic and residential support services.

Alternative Family Living, Residential Supports Levels 1-4
A service performed in a staff’s home where individuals are free to live in a family setting with chosen staff. Members are given choices and options for residential support settings, including their bedroom preference, furniture, and environmental preferences, and freedom to create their daily schedules. Alternative Family Living staff members are responsible for daily caregiving and goal running for members in their homes, and Ryan’s Place staff take this honor very seriously. AFL is an alternative to the group home residential model and ICF/institutional settings, providing meaningful social integration and membership in the community.

Support Living Levels 1-3
Supported Living is a service for individuals living in their own home or with a desire to live in their own home with staff support of their choosing. Supported Living members are responsible for paying rent/mortgages and utilities in their own home or a Supported Living home of their choosing. Supported Living members can live with other Supported Living members or roommates of their choosing. Ryan’s Place will help develop roommate agreements between Supported Living roommates to establish routines, boundaries, personal preferences, and responsibilities in the home. Members develop their staffing routines based on their level of care and health and safety needs in their homes.

Group Home Residential Supports
We are taking referrals for our new group home and for future group home licenses in Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Gaston, and Cleveland Counties. Group home supports are for members who can live in group living and perform some or most of their personal care needs.

1915i Services
Ryan’s Place is the area’s go-to provider for the new 1915i service array! We provide Community Living and Supports, Supported Employment, and Respite and can help coordinate with your new care manager to ensure success!

  • Don’t have services or need an option for day program and residential services? We offer Long Term Community Support services to adults with Intellectual Disabilities to cover this resource gap.
    *This service does require a physician’s order from your doctor.
  • Ryan’s Place also offers the Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver in the Alliance catchment. Some services available to members with TBIs include Life Skills Training, Personal Care, Community Networking, Supported Employment, Day Supports, and so many more value-added services!

Get in Touch
If you are interested in receiving training on these additional models of support, message us to let us know.

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